We register and protect your trademark in Argentina and worldwide
FREE trademark verification
Fast and personalized contact
Simple and secure process

Why choose us?
Over 4,000 trademarks registered
We register and protect your trademark for 10 years

Professional support
We are a law firm specializing in trademark registration, industrial property, and intellectual property.
We register trademarks for companies, entrepreneurs, or independent professionals. We work meticulously to help you achieve your trademark registration, backed by years of experience, thousands of registered trademarks, and a professional status that we strengthen year after year.

Identical (or very similar) trademark registrations
Registration strategy. Expectation marks and blocking marks. Find out what they are in this note

Strong and Weak Brands
When choosing your brand, try to look for strong brands. Learn more in this note.

Be careful with the Symbology you want to register
The Swiss Embassy is very suspicious of the use of its flag even though the wordmark corresponds to another country